Aud- Story | Thank you & Goodbye

Aug 14
So, this is it. It is time to bid goodbye. I am never good in saying goodbye, I will always end up crying like a baby but this time I was surprised by myself. I was sad, but I did not tear. Was is because of age? or was it because of pride? Somehow it seems like if I cry, that person who did this wins.

I am a believer of everything happens for a reason, so here am I welcoming a new chapter of my life.
You people have been filling me lots of love for the past 2 weeks. I am really thankful. I really feel bless to have known you people. Thanks for the heartfelt farewell with all my favourite food!

I know you girls have been working hard on it, thank you so much for all the effort.


Thank you Din for the special Curry Puff. It's the BEST!
Thanks Alicia for the Gong Cha!

Thanks for the chocolate lave cake dears! I didn't expect this!

Thanks for the sumptuous lunch treat Alicia and Sureen!

I hope you enjoy the Xiao Lee Nasi Lemak as much as I do. Do let me know whenever you girls are here in Kulai! Hope you girls will enjoy the Kulai Top 20 food guide I've prepared. Thanks for the bubble tea again Alicia~ You are always so sweet!

Thanks for chocolate and oreo mcflurry Rajes! I appreciate much. Happy blissful marriage to you in advance! Thanks for the cute teddy Sureen. You are really a wonderful woman! Ganbatte!

Today, is my last day at work, but I believe it will not be the last day we meet. Thanks for the moments we had in the past 2.5 years. If I ever made you angry, please forgive me. You know I love you. Last but not least, may we all be healthy and happy always. Keep in touch always.
Thank you & Goodbye, See you dears again!

Thanks for walking by. Until next time,
Aud aud-story-thank-you-goodbye

If you like this post, share the ish out for me, would you? Leave a comment too!

Don't forget to show me some Love~♥


♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥


  1. aud-story-thank-you-goodbye

    Stay strong and here's to new beginnings, my dear!

  2. aud-story-thank-you-goodbye

    Stay Strong Aud ^^

  3. aud-story-thank-you-goodbye

    Thanks babe! We will all grow better! ^_^

  4. aud-story-thank-you-goodbye

    Thanks Ler~~ Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu~ ^_^

  5. aud-story-thank-you-goodbye
    Ding Ding Ding16 August, 2014 12:16

    Awww, they are so lovely! Happy for you to have them with u! :)

  6. aud-story-thank-you-goodbye

    Ya Cece~ They are really nice people! ^_^

  7. aud-story-thank-you-goodbye

    I can totally see that you friends put in lot of efforts in preparing the party, look at the variety of food they got for you!

  8. aud-story-thank-you-goodbye

    Yea~ tons of food and heaps of love~ ^_^


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