Apr 13, 2016

Aud-Motherhood | Joie is 6 Months Old

Hello, I am back with my growth report. Sorry for not updating often, I was busy growing up.

I've been biting my toys and teether a lot because I am having sore gums. I guess I am teething again. Mama's friend said I look like the rock in this photo. Do I?

I went to City Square JB with papa and mama the other day. They wanted me to take a photo with the hulk. To accommodate to their request and make it realer, I cried. There, looked like I was caught by the hulk right?

Vaccination. It's the time I hated the most. Honestly, who likes injection? No one! I had a fever again after the vaccination. I guess this is the shittiest feeling I ever had in my whole life!

Fever went away after 2 days, I am all good again! Mama asked me to pose for the camera, I tried to look cool and I think I did pretty well. Maybe I can be a model next time.

Or do you prefer to see my toothless smile?

Hey, it's Chinese New year! My first CNY! I didn't know CNY will have ang pow! I am seriously loving this festival now! When is the next CNY?
Caption: Hey Papa, what are you trying to do? Don't be funny please! This ang pow is mine!

I went back to grandpa's hometown at Negeri Sembilan during the CNY. It was my first time, it's also papa's first time. It was quite fun to experience kampong life, the air is fresher too! But!!! There're lots of mozzie, I don't love them, but they love me! I don't know why. Am I too cute?

Couple outfit with papa.

and a photo with my precious mama.

*Yawns* Time for my nap, I shall see you again in my next growth report post. See ya!

Walking on with love,


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