Dec 26, 2015

Aud-Motherhood | Joie Turns 4 Months Old

Hello there! It's me Joie again. How was your Christmas? Had fun? I had a peaceful night with Mama and Papa. We spent time watching Iron Man 3 on HBO and had some small talk before we hit the sack.

Oh well, I am 4 months old! You can see from my figure, I am no longer a small baby. Papa always says that I am a big baby now. That's true! I am 7.1 kg and 64 cm, I finally grew more on my height.

I started to like sitting up when I am 3 months++, and hated cradle position because it is so boring. Oh hey, meet my seriously totally awesome Papa!

I had my first fever after the 5-in-1 and pneumococcal vaccination. The fever was hovering between 38-38.5 degrees for the whole night. Papa and mama were worried sick.

Sometimes, I do feel that I am growing too fast! Papa and Mama can no longer carry me for long. Hipseat is their best friend now. If they were to bring me out, they will definitely wear me on the hipseat.

Mama, why didn't you tell me I have a twin brother? (Baby on the left is actually mama's best friend's son, he is one month younger than me)

Who says I don't smile? I love to smile now, and I  smile easily over silly things such as mama's funny faces (Mama was saying hello sunshine to me with funny faces).

Or a new dress!

See, I am learning to laugh!

Oh, and I surprised Mama with this trick! She was doing this, and I mimiced her!

As a Singaporean, I've also learnt to complain. I want nen nen, better give me my nen nen now.

You know how everyone was saying that they envy babies because they have a carefree life? But it's actually kinda stress to be a baby. We can't even choose what to have for breakfast. Where's the basic humn rights?!

Every year, papa and mama will always visit Orchard road for the Christmas decoration. They said this year is special, because I am with them. Aww.. they are the sweetest parents in the world don't you think so?

Remember I told you that I can flip on my tummy in the last post? Well, I can flip on my tummy and flip back to my back now. And I can lift my head up stright 90 degress. Strong girl eh?

Another thing that I love to do, is to show my tummy. Don't ask me why because I don't know. I just feel like doing so! Maybe deep down I know that I am sexy! Ha!

Well, that's all for my growth progess by 4 months. Hope you enjoy my photos and videos. See you again next month!

Walking on with love,


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