Oct 19, 2015

Aud-Motherhood | Joie is One Month Old

Hello!! I'm Joie! I am 1-month-old! Here's a little throwback on my growth.

Day 1 and 2, I was in the hospital. The nurses were really kind and nice to me. 

Day 3, I was discharged together with mama.

Papa came to picked us. It's so glad to be home!

Day 4, I smiled. Because I love to be home, to be with papa and mama.

Day 5, It was a sad day. Mama and I cried today. She was badly injured because I couldn't latch well. Mama has been latching me since day 1 but today she stopped because her nipples were bleeding badly. It was too painful.

Papa and Popo (maternal grandma) tried feeding me with bottle, but I don't like it, so I cried out loud, nonstop. Then I saw mama crying hard too because she felt heartache seeing me crying out for her. She felt useless as she couldn't answer to my needs. It hurts me too when mama cries, so I tried my best to learn to drink from bottle. It took me quite some time, but Popo managed to feed me through bottle. When I finished the milk, both mama and I stopped crying. We hugged each other.

Mama, I am sorry that I made you cried on your birthday. I promise I will do my best.

Day 7, We went back to Doctor Eugene to check on my jaundice. But oh no.. My jaundice level went up too high (18). I was admitted to the hospital again.

It wasn't lonely in the hospital because there were many other babies but still I miss mama and papa so much. Mama cried again. I think she was worried and she couldn't bear to leave me alone in the hospital.

Thank you mama for the routine milk pumping and thank you papa for delivering the milk to the hospital in time for me to drink. I will do my best to get well soon!

Day 9, Doctor finally allowed me to discharged as my jaundice level dropped to 10! Yeah!
*Mama, time to feed me again.

Day 13, Mama and I have been learning on latching again because mama said her nipples had healed.
*Roar! I still prefer lacthing on mama! [Mama, where's my milk?]

"Coming, coming! Let mama take a photo first"
[Okay!] *Smiles

*Stares at my milk. [Mama, are you done?]

Day 14, Papa's friend bought me a bunny friend! Can I eat it? I'm hungry.

Day 15, Hello! I'm 15 days old.

Day 16, My jaundice seems to returned. Papa, mama and Popo brought me to polyclinic for checkup. The result came out to be 14. Doctor said no need to hospitalized but have to drink more. Everyone was worried sick, but I am already doing my best.

Day 19, I love my papa and mama.

Day 20, It's bersih rally in mama's hometown. Let me show some support too!

Day 25, Mama and Popo brought me to polyclinic to check on my jaundice level. It dropped to 11.5 now.

Day 30, I'm one-month-old! Papa made me a special romper for me! It has my name on! Thank you, papa! I love it so much!

Mama is the best and prettiest. No matter how difficult, how painful and tiring it is, she insists in giving me the best she could. Mama, I love you.

Popo, thank you for taking care of me for the month. I know you were tired too. Thank you so much and I love you too!

Thank you, everyone who came to my full month party. I hoped I've been a good host!

Walking on with love,


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