Sep 30, 2015

Aud-Pregnancy | The Little Life in Me, 25-38 weeks

After labor, I too couldn't escape the fate of many mothers. I suffer from memory lost. Luckily I kept a baby journal that helps me refresh all the precious moments during pregnancy, and it also aids me in drafting my post. If you have not, head over to read my post on my 0-12 weeks and 13- 24 weeks.

On 2 May, I nearly fainted again. Luckily I was at the bank. Thanks to the security guard and the lady from OCBC bank @ City Square branch for helping me. Thank you so much!

Fell sick on week 25, had a bad cough and couldn't sleep well for nights.

Week 28, baby weight 1.23 kg. Doctor says my girl will not be small. Oh my... Hope she will not take my build. Be like papa better, slender and tall.

Ahh.. rashes attacked my under belly, fingers and feet. The itch were so unbearable but I tried my best not to scratch them because I was afraid of stretch marks and scars.

No.. I put on weight again! Doctor reminded me again that if baby grows more than 3.4 kg, he will put me under cesarean. No no, I don't want C sect!

Went for follow up check but Doctor was on MC so had another doctor W.K Tan to check on us. Baby Joie weight at 2.48 kg and mama weight at 65.3 kg. Doctor says no sign of delivery yet, so not to worry. I was controlling my weight so I listed a list of food to avoid.

Hello! It's week 37. Another 3 more weeks! Doctor said baby has not engage, there's still lots of water in the bag so just relax, it's not time yet.

Counting down, 2 more weeks! Getting more and more nervous. I was having some mild period cramp (contractions) and was 1 cm dilated. Doctor sent me to labor ward for CTG test to check on the frequency of my contractions. But result came out negative, I wasn't going into labor yet.

After the CTG scan, I told kareshi that I'm actually tired of waiting. Honestly, I hate the waiting game, it made me so nervous and anxious. I couldn't wait to have my girl in my arms!

The journal ended at week 38 because my girl was born on week 38 and 5 days. Wanna find out what had happened and how she was born? Stay tune on my next update.

Walking on with love,


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