Jul 1, 2015

Aud-Wedding | My Vintage Wedding Car

My wedding turned out to be something different, in a good way of course. That's the comments I received from friends and relatives. It involves a lot of hard work and hands on job because we did almost everything ourselves and yea, in a very short time frame- 1.5 month. So if different is what you want, maybe this can be your reference. You can read about my other wedding related post at the end of the post.

I always wanted a different wedding car for my wedding. Something different, something vintage and I am really glad that I've found someone who thinks the same.

After some research and calls, I manage to shortlist a couple of contacts that provide vintage wedding car rental service.

One of them has these two hot babes. I especially like the red one, but the price is way too much for my budget so it's a No.

This belongs to my friend's cousin. It is similar to the silver Mecerdes above. It is quite nice and the rental is within our budget! We thought we will be getting this for our wedding.

Just before we decided on the car above, I happened to come across this Facebook page De Memoire - Creator of Memories that provides wedding car rental. I knew I will take them because their wedding cars are combi or beetles! I love combi!
Combi. Image taken from their facebook page
Beetles. Image taken from their facebook page

They have different colors combi for you to choose.
Tifanny Blue
Vivid Pink
Orangy Pink

Initially we wanted to get this because it has a different shape at the front and looks more unique but too bad it wasn't available for our date.

So in the end we decided on the classic beige combi and I'm really glad that we chose this.

After deciding on the car, next is to think of how to do up the car. We wanted something really simple as we do not want to take away the attention from the car. The car itself is already a pretty babe isn't?

We planned to do the deco ourselves as I did not take any package from bridal shop. Unless I pay extra RM 300- RM 500 to get a someone to do for me which we felt that it's not worth it, so DIY it is. It shouldn't be that difficult.

Our wedding car before the makeover.

Kareshi and I went to a decoration shop located at The Verge, top floor to scout for materials. We bought 2 white flowers stripes, 2 leaves stripes, 2 side door flower rings. Total damage: $56.00. Other needed tools were cable ties and cutter. That's it.

We decorated the car on the 31 January 2015 at the owners house. First of all, sort the flowers and leaves. Twine them together so it looks more natural and has more support.

Lay it out, decide on the position before fixing them up. Hmm.. I think it looked quite nice on the bumper, don't you think so?

But after tying, we both felt that it's kinda messy because the cable ties can be seen, so we decided to strip it off and do it again.

This time do it on the black rubber so that the cable ties can be hidden. It wasn't easy because it was really tight, kareshi almost hurt himself a few times.

After a few try, here it is! It's perfect now! Just the way we imagine it would be. So much satisfaction.
The Back

Get the rest done too.
The rear
The front

Wonder how our wedding car looks like on the actual day? Well, I must say she is one gorgeous lady!

Oh, by the way, the just married sign was made by Kareshi from scratch. Also the dragging tin cans too! See, I told you most of our wedding stuffs are DIY. Personalized and uniquely for us.

Here's a sneak peak on our wedding photobook. Hope I have time to blog about my photobook before I deliver.

If you would like to enquire about the combi or beetles, visit De Memoire Facebook page: De Memoire - Creator of Memories or contact Alex at +0197912882. Say that you got his number from me. Hope this is useful, Happy planning your wedding!

Wanna have a glimpse on my wedding video? Here it is!

Walking on with love,


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