Jun 27, 2015

Aud-Venture | The Earth Celebration in Japan with AirAsia Free Seats

I used to have a dream. A dream that remains deep inside me till today. I do not know how and when did my affection with Japan started, all I could remember is it's in me, all the time ever since I was a kid. I dreamt to study there, to live there, to experience the life and culture of Japan. It was the biggest dream I ever wanted to achieve. It was so close yet so far. It shattered a few years back. You can read it >>here<<. But still, I hold dear to the shattered pieces. Hoping that one day, it will still come true (even if it's in a different manner).
Image source: traveldragon.com

Many years have passed. Life has been really eventful. I broke up from a 6 years relationship, and met a guy I knew would be my significant one from the first sight. True enough, I was proposed after one and a half year together. Then I am married. And yeap, I am now 8 months pregnant.

Everything happened so fast and yet it all seems to fit in nicely. Do I know that these will be my life? No, I don't. But one thing for sure, everything happens for a reason. If I were to fly to Japan back in 2011 for studies, I wouldn't have met my lovely husband. For sure, I wouldn't be expecting my dear daughter to join us in August. And I certainly will not have the chance to fulfill my long lost dream in a more meaningful way.

Ever since I got pregnant, my dream changed a little. I now wish to visit and experience the beautiful Japan, not alone but with my dearest husband and my precious daughter in August 2016. August is my birthday month, which coincidentally will also be my daughter's. It would be really meaningful to visit the dream land of mine with my love ones on a special month.

I have to say, AirAsia seems to read my mind. They had just launched their Free Seats promotion starting from 22 June to 28 June 2015, travel period starts from February to August next year! And yes, tomorrow it's the last day so grab the chance!

Another reason why I wish to travel to Japan with my family in August is for The Earth Celebration festival. Earth celebration is a fun and meaningful festival held at Sado island - a beautiful island, steeped in beautiful nature and a rich history. The island has been designated as a GIAHS (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System) and a Japanese Geopark. The moment I learnt about it, I knew I would want to experience it first hand myself with my family.

What is an Earth Celebration festival?
Held for the first time in 1988, Earth Celebration (EC) is an annual (end of August) music and performance summer festival presented by the Taiko Performing Arts Ensemble Kodo (a world-renowned Japanese drum performance group) in tandem with the people of Sado Island (which lies in the Japan Sea off the coast of Niigata). Through the years, EC has brought various artists from around the world to Sado and continues to send a message of “celebrating the Earth” across the globe.
Image source: http://japan-magazine.jnto.go.jp/en/

The main event “Shiroyama Concert” starts around 6:00 pm every day (outdoor) showcasing exciting and powerful performance by artists from all over the world. There are other attractions including dance and Taiko workshops and stalls (Harbour Market) selling handmade craftworks of Sado Island and also goods from around the world. It is a wonderful and special moment surrounded by music, nature and traditional culture.
Image source: http://japan-magazine.jnto.go.jp/

There are also a variety of excursions and activities such as sea kayaking- a great adventure and perfect way to appreciate the clear and beautiful water of the Japan Sea; Ogi Peninsula (known as the art of mother earth) Bus Tour- travels through the dynamic natural environments and little farming and fishing villages of Ogi Peninsula; and many more activities for you to discover the many charms of Sado Island. I am sure it is an experience that one will never get in busy cities.
Image source: http://attjapan.sakura.ne.jp/

To understand the true beauty of the island, I believe one must visit it personally but to help you to understand the charm of it, here is a video.

"The Earth Celebration is a celebration of Earth, of life itself. The Taiko reminds us of the heartbeat we heard inside the mother's womb. It reminds us of where we came from."--- quoted from the video above.

Celebrate the Earth, celebrate the life. I hope me and my family will be able to witness and celebrate this festival together as a reminder to be grateful of what we have in life, to be contented and happy. Life is short after all. Cherish it.

P/S: Now, let's hope AirAsia hears my wish and send me off to that beautiful island.

Walking on with love,


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♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

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