Apr 13, 2015

Aud-Pregnancy | The Finding Out of The Little Life in Me

I know it seems like an excuse but seriously, my life has changed drastically. So many things happened together which makes me kinda breathless but I have to say, it was an amazing journey. I've blogged a summary about the important events that took place in my life >>here<<. Read it before you continue this post.

Now, back to this post. On the 13.12.14, I was expecting my monthly friend to visit, but after a long wait I see no sight of her and thought that maybe its due to the travelling to Taiwan (went to Taiwan twice in a month), so I continued waiting for her arrival.

11 days later, she was still MIA (missing in action). I thought that it was kinda weird as she has always been very punctual, so I decided to went for a check with a wondering mind.

After the check, sitting right in front of a professional human, my heart stopped for a while and I couldn't hear what that human was saying and I went, [huh? What did you say?]

"Congratulation! You are ?@#@$%"

[Huh?? Congrats me what?]

"I said, YOU ARE PREGNANT! *Pushing the tester kit and the ultrasound scan to me"

*staring hard at the tester kit and the scan photo with a blank mind
[Ohhh! OKAY!! Thanks Doctor!!]

Left the clinic with no idea what's going on until I reached my car, took a deep breath, dialled a familiar number with trembling hands.

"Yes Darling?"

[Baby... I just went to the doctor.]

"Hmm? What happened? Are you sick?"

[Erm, not really sick that kind of sick but...]

"What's wrong?"


"Darling, what's wrong??"

[You listen carefully..]



"Huh? Ohh.... Is it? Really? Sure?"

[Mmm.. It's 4 weeks now..] *then I started to cry.

"Hush, why cry? It's a happy news!"

[I dunno why I am crying, maybe I'm too shocked!]

"Okay, okay. Calm yourself down, don't cry. Drive home safely and I will talk to you tonight okay?"


Well, that's pretty much my conversation with kareshi on finding out. I believed he was as shocked as me, we must have looked like two pity poor lost souls that time, haha! It wasn't the happiest way to find out but hey! It is a blessing that one can never asked for and we are really grateful and truly thank the universe for that!

so Harlo there, my little ones!

I will update again on the little one, so do come back for more ya.

Walking on with love,

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Don't forget to show me some Love~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. Hehe~ It is a gift I am glad to have! ^_^

  2. Awww.. congratulations dear!! Wish you and your little baby the best of health!



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