Apr 15, 2015

Aud-Pregnancy | The Change of Focus

Never have I thought this time would come so fast. I am not complaining. In fact, I enjoy it pretty much despites all the stress we are going through.

In the past, whenever I am on my laptop I am always on blog or researching on beauty products, skin cares, and cute stuffs. Now, whenever I am on my laptop, I am still researching but on a whole new level of topics such as nice strollers, the good diapers, the best formula and even breastfeeding and confinement. Yes, What Concerns Me Now are Strollers, Diapers, Formulas not Toners, Moisturizers or Whatsoever.

Life changed so much after I found out that I am growing a little human inside me. The things I eat, the things I do, it all changes in certain ways, for the better cause. I eat healthier, takes lots of fruits, drink even more water (used to drink close to 2.5 liters per day, now maybe close to 3.5 liters?),  and I watch my lifestyle now.

Watching my lifestyle means sleep early, read good books, attends Dharma class, listen to new age/ soothing musics (no change in this as I always listen to them), and try my best to be positive at all time (this doesn't really work out that good when the weird hormones kick in though).

Lucky me, the little human seems to be very considerate for the mummy because as of now, I still do not have a single bit of uncomfortableness. No morning sickness, no changes in appetite, have not gain too much weight, no drastic change in hormones that causes breakouts and sorts (phew I still look pretty! Lol)

I would say, it was a pleasant 5 months. In another 4 months, we shall meet ya my little one!

Walking on with love,

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Don't forget to show me some Love~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. So lucky lah you still look hot despite being pregnant! :p

  2. Haha! I'm quite far from being "hot" but thank god I am still the way I am (except having a big belly now). hehe


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