Mar 7, 2015

Aud-Story | Summary: My Marriage, My Wedding and A New Life

Life has been eventful for the past few months. Major decisions made, huge life changes happened. I yet to have time to blog everything in detail so I thought of having a summary first before I go into details for all the important events that happened in my life.

Last May 13 (2014), Kareshi proposed to me at the monastery that we always go. It was one of the most wonderful thing that happened in my life, because from the first sight, I know this is the man I want for the rest of my life. Haha, yeap! It was love at first sight. 
You can read about it >>here<<.

Same year, September 18, 2014 I got married to the man that went down his knees. We had our ceremony at a monastery. It was a joyous day.
Read the full post >>here<<.

This year, February 2, 2015 was our wedding day. we had our wedding banquet @ Joie Restaurant. It was a wonderful and joyful day. I have yet to blog about it as I am still waiting for the photos from the photographer but here's a sneak peak.

Within a year, I was proposed, registered married, and also had our customary wedding. It was a huge change in my life. Just when I thought nothing would surprise me/ us anymore, we had a little "big" surprised.

Without us knowing, a little new life is sprouting inside me.

My life couldn't be more perfect for now. Everything happened together at almost the same time but it all falls in place nicely. I have everything I wanted. It is a gift, an expected gift and I am blessed. We, are blessed.

Walking on with love,

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Don't forget to show me some Love~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

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