Nov 12, 2014

Aud-Story | A Surprise Gift, The Apple [Unboxing]

I always know you are full of surprise. That day, you surprised me again.

You caught me off guard with this.
I opened it slowly and bursted into tears when I saw this pretty lady.

You said it's my belated birthday present.

I was randomly complaining about how much problem my pc was giving me during work, never did I thought you actually remember it and keep that in mind and you said this is for me to work at ease.

I always know she is beautiful but looking at her in such close distance, I know she is more than beautiful.

Keyboard protector




Quick Guide, Stickers, Protective Cloth
Every detail is well taken care, it is indeed the Apple
Thank you darling for such a wonderful present. She is indeed a beautiful lady; you are indeed a thoughtful husband.

Thank you darling, I love the present, and I love the doodle as well. Most importantly, I love you.

Walking on with love,

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♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

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