Nov 19, 2014

Aud-MTN | Japan MT Masking Tapes

Today is all about the mt masking tapes I got from Japan! No worries, its not a lengthy post.

Before this, I've been buying from Daiso and local bookstore. Most of them, especially those from normal bookstore do not last (ain't sticky enough), Daiso ones are quite good but I've heard so much about Japan MT tapes so I decided to ask my cousin (Geng) to get some for me since he is coming back to Malaysia.

I got 8 tapes this time (actually more than 8 rolls because of mt 20). In fact I wanted to get more but my wallet is crying.

From left to right mt ex- flag, mt ex- clip, mt ex- flower, mt for kids- Shima Shima, mt slim- Deco F, mt- silver checkers, and mt- 20p (20 colors). Oh! not forgetting Midori Ojisan 20th Anniversary- Bicycle Ojisan (*Ojisan is not from mt but midori). The mt 20p is in repacked form because Constance Ann and I were sharing them, that's why I repacked them. I will make a tutorial guide on how to repack the washi tapes later on.

Every time I buy new tapes, I will record them in my MTN. It is to keep track and also for easier reference in the future. I love all my tapes, they are so lovely! Now my MTN will be more lively with all these tapes! It's gonna be fun!

They say when you step on to this rainbow journey, you will never want to go back. I guess, it's true. Some said I'm poisoned. Yes, I am but I enjoyed being poisoned. Do expect more MTN related post on the blog. 

Now, which is your favourite tape? Let me know in the comments!

Walking on with love,

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Don't forget to show me some Love~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. You are poisoning me again and again!!!

  2. Hehe, welcome to the world of washi~

  3. I am also a washi addict especially MT :) I have three boxes of washi tapes but I just can't stop buying. MT ex Map is one of my favourite tape. It took me a year to find all the three rolls so that I can combine it into a map.

  4. Wow!! you got all 3 maps!! that's awesome!


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