Oct 25, 2014

Aud-Story | A Bad Day I Wish it Never Exist

Have you ever encountered a day that was so bad, you wish it never exist?

I just did. Today was a really bad day. It started off bad, It ended badly.

Felt so clueless, helpless and useless.

I can't help but wonder am I doing the right thing? Am I walking the right path? Am I really who I think I will be? Or is it me having too much hope? Am I expecting too much from myself? Maybe it's true that I've been thinking too highly about myself. Maybe this is the furthest I can go... All these negative thoughts.. gosh!

I always tell myself that when thing doesn't turns right, turn left. But right now, I feel so trapped that I have no where to turn to. I am sorry if I sound pathetic but this is the true feeling I am having right now. Totally no confidence at all and feeling shitty about myself. Oh dear, I hate the "I" right now!

Seriously, this is driving me crazy.

Walking on with love,

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Don't forget to show me some Love~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

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