Oct 22, 2014

Aud-MTN | Stationeries and Washi Tapes

Have I told you that I am a sucker for stationeries? I've been controlling it quite well for years until recently. Ever since I started my traveler's notebook aka TN, I have not stop buying stationeries. If you have not read about my MTN unboxing, you can read it >>here<<.

Let's see what I have gotten so far. I have to admit, every time I see them, I feel like a happy girl. Who else understand my feelings? Put your hands up! lol

Cute magnet board, birthday present from my lovely Chariot. Thank you baby!

Lovely weather stamps, birthday present from Carinn! Thank you!

Got these stamps, tapes and ink pads  (except stamps on the top right) from Mr DIY less than RM 10! Quality wise quite acceptable for it's price but the cloth tapes (big rolls in the middle) aren't sticky, will have to secure with double side tape.

Bought 2 gold binder clip from pipitzakkastore.com. I love them! They are classic.

Latest haul from Daiso! More tapes and sticky memo.

I have bought more from Japan! Will share them in another post. Meanwhile let me share some pages of my TN. Hmm, I just started and I am still learning on how to make it look nice, so if you have any advice, do comment below ya.

The first page of my MTN. It was my birthday (MTN was my birthday present from my cousin).

Recording the new tapes and stamps I bought.

Its Mid Autumn festival. Tried drawing a moon with note pad, not too bad right? But my Chinese words drawing needs improvement. It's also Chariot's Lunar birthday! Happy Birthday Baby~

Recording what I've bought from pipit. Tried drawing the binder clips, do they look alike? Hehe.

That's all for now, stay tune for more stationeries updates. 

Walking on with love,

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Don't forget to show me some Love~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

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