Jun 5, 2014

Aud- Event | Adidas Blogger Cup #3

Ding Ding Ding! Round 3 starts now! Just in case you are wondering, Adidas Blogger Cup questions will be up on blog every Tuesday and Thursday until all 8 questions are done. So, do take your chance to participate, who knows you will be the lucky one right?

As usual, click the photo below for clue.

And of course, a video for more clue too!

I don't think I got the second question right leh, how about you? Do you know them? No? Never mind, here's another round for you to try your luck! Clock your entry below.

Good Luck!

Thanks for reading. Until next time,

If you like this post, share the ish out for me, would you? Leave a comment too!

Don't forget to show me some Love~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥


  1. It's just like Chinese selling Ramly burger! I must eat this when I head to Johor!!!!! Yummm. I am a roti canai freak!!!

  2. Ya! I've never seen a Chinese Ramly though. This roti prata is a must try! You will love it! ^_^


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