May 3, 2014

Saturday Stroll with Aud: Aud- Beauty | Esui Loves Your V

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♥ My Saturday Stroll - Esui Loves Your V 


Being a woman ain't easy. From top to toe, every single part needs to be taken care of, every spot needs to be maintained. Most people focus on the "more visible" parts such as face, hair, hand and legs but tend to forget the "less visible" area, which is the most intimate part of your body- your VJJ.

Yes, today we gonna talk about females private part- vaginal aka V or VJJ. If any of you feels disgusting, do click on the exit button on the top right now, but I strongly recommend you to continue reading so that you know what's going in that dark and forgotten part of your body. *Alert: this is gonna be one long post, but you will be rewarded at the end.

Now, how many of you actually know what is the importance of feminine hygiene? Do you know that if the sebum is not cleanse regularly, it will accumulates and becomes smegma- a white cheesy, sticky substance adhere to the skin surrounding vulva?
Do you know that without proper care and hygiene, smegma will collect under the clitoral hood and clirotis which results in pain, irritation, vaginal infections and/or orgasm difficulty? (Ohhh....Noo..)

All the common women reproductive diseases such as acute/ chronic vaginitis, abnormal vaginal discharge, VJJ itchiness, cervical cancer, pelvis inflammatory disease, fibroids, and cervicitis are caused by improper cleanse/ hygiene of your V.

It is very important to keep your V clean because daily wash of VJJ prevents feminine problems. Although water is good for almost every thing, but when it comes to cleansing your V, it is not enough. Also, please never use normal soap (alkali) to clean your V as it may upset the natural VJJ pH which will leads to imbalance vaginal flora, causing abnormal vaginal discharge and infection.

This is why it is so important to choose the right feminine hygiene product for the health of your VJJ. Normal VJJ pH is between 3.8 to 4.4. Today I'm gonna recommend you a feminine hygiene product that has the ideal pH 4 for V. Esui Feminine Hygiene Wash, is made in France with the France nano-technology. It is certified Halal internationally.

It is made of natural ingredients from herbs with no side effects. Besides that, it doesn't has the post-usage burning sensation due to it's pH 4 and it was said to be the only feminine hygiene wash that has been clinically proven for its cellular regenerative effects. 

Esui claims that by using it regularly, it helps in preventing and relieve vaginal ingluvitis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), and abnormal vaginal discharge. It will resume elasticity and promote cell regeneration, tightening vaginal muscles (which means better sexual life) in 2 weeks time. I've been using it for almost 2 weeks now and I like it. It feels so clean and fresh after usage, and it does not cause itchiness like some other brands will. As for the tightening vaginal muscles, uhh.. have yet to experience whether it is better now~ lol.

Esui also helps in removing old/ dead cells (which means lighten pigmentation) and poisonous materials from uterus and vagina (it can detox too? amazing!); regulate secretion of feminine hormone and maintains optimum vagina lubrication; keeping vaginal epithelium in tender, elastic and luminous condition. It is also indicated for post-partum recovery of reproductive system.

It comes in a flip cap bottle. Flip cap bottle is nice because it's smaller in size and easy to carry for travel so that you can give your VJJ all the love she needs. The only problem might occur will be the leakage during transmitting, because flip cap tends to be opened easily during transmitting but as far as my experience with it, the flip cap is really tight, so I guess if you pack it nicely there will be not much of leakage issue.

Do you feel that you have only begin to know your V after reading all the above despite you have been getting along with her for so many years? lol, I feel the same when I first found out about all these. So after knowing all the basic knowledge of your V, now how to use Esui to keep it clean?

It's actually easy. First, clean the outer of your VJJ thoroughly with water. Pour roughly "20 cents" size of Esui Feminine Hygiene wash. Slowly wash your V and leave it for about 60 seconds before rinse. Sorry hor, no pictorial for this lo.
Esui feminine hygiene wash is kinda brownish in color because of its herbs extract. Don't feel scary over it, just think that its herbs healing/ comforting your VJJ. You will feel better during the usage. lol

It comes in 2 size, 60 ml RM 21.90 and 150 ml RM 47.00. For travel, 60 ml is good but for home use, you may consider 150 ml because it's more worthy.

Now, the good news is I will be hosting a Mother's Day giveaway for Esui Feminine Hygiene Wash, 60ml, starting today. Giveaway ends on 11 May 2014, so you have ample time to join. Winner will be chosen using and announced on the 13 May 2014. The giveaway is open to Malaysia and Singapore readers.

Three of my lucky readers will walk away with 2 Esui Femenine Hygiene Wash each. One for you, one for your beloved mum. The perfect gift for your respectable one to show her your care for her health.

It will be easy to join. Just follow the steps.
1. Like A Walk with Aud Facebook Page
2. Follow A Walk with Aud Instagram
3. Share this giveaway on your facebook timeline (public), tagged 3 friends
4. Comment below with your email address so that I can contact you
Bonus entry: Follow A Walk with Aud Twitter
*Secure your entries using Rafflecopter widget.
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May the odds be with you, Good Luck!

Well, if you do not win (don't be sad, more giveaways are coming), you can still get in from all pharmacies including Watsons.


Thanks for reading. Until next time,

Have you tried Esui?
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Saturday Stroll with Aud

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♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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