May 21, 2014

Aud- Beauty | HKCPlaza x HoneyCubes LJH Mini Testeu

Have you heard of LJH cosmetics?  LJH (LeeJiHam), is a 20 years-old brand in Korea. It has 60 skin clinics and 1 plastic surgery clinic in Korea. Thanks to HKC Plaza and Honeyz Cubes, I was invited to the Mini Testeu hosted at Verginise Health and Beauty care to try their products.

Before the event starts, of course it's about food. lol very typical right? but the food served was nice, especially the popiah aka Spring Rolls. haha

LJH has a wide range of skin care products which addresses different skin types and needs.
Ivan, the person in charge of LJH Singapore and Malaysia gave us a brief intro about what LJH is and some background story of the company.

That day's event was about testing the new star products, one of them was this Vita-Propous Ampoule aka Honey Ampoule. It is made of 50% Honey extract, 50% plant extract and contains Vitamin C and E. It can be used with other products (eg foundations) or stand alone. It is easy to adsorb and can act as a booster for better makeup effect (long lasting)

LJH Recovery Balm (layman terms BB cream) versus Vital CC Cream (aka color control cream). Guess which do I prefer? By the way, just to let you know that many ladies in Korea use LJH Recovery Balm after plastic surgery because it contains healing properties plus makeup is a must to the Koreans no matter under what circumstances. Well, at least must have base makeup on.

I tested them on my hand. On the left is recovery balm (beige), right is Vital CC Cream (white). CC cream contains tiny micro capsules that will break and change color accordingly to correct your skin tone when apply. Amazing right? If you do notice, the right side (Vital CC Cream) of my hand is slightly brighter.

LJH has 2 types of recovery balm, the green tube is for anti-aging, but for young ladies like you the blue one is more than enough.

One of the main intrpduction of that day is LJH's SMART technology. What is SMART you asked? Well, each Alphabet represent different element.

S = Smoothing
M= Moisturize
A = Anti-aging
R = Restructuring
T = True whitening

What does it mean? It's basically claiming that by using products of SMART technology, it improves/ helps to achieve smooth, moisturize and whiter skin, It also restructure your skin and helps in anti-aging.

The Smart Power cleansing foam is very thick in texture, which means you do not need a lot to cleanse your face (amount in the photo is way too much for my hand). It cleanse up the pores and also removes makeup but do note that waterproof makeups will still have to be removed by makeup remover first.

SMART Power Cream comes in 3 tubes in a box. It is a cream type moisturizer that has SMART technology to address the 5 skin problems mentioned previously.

Just a mirror but too cute to ignore. I was actually thinking to bring it home. lol

Juliana giving a short brief on what's going on next. The live voting!

Stephanie from Singapore. She is a blogger, but also an actress. 

Hello, some selfies please. I am a selfie queen after all. With Jen.

With Ler. Ler is shy, hence her covered face. But I'm also blurred, ha!

After the introduction, we were all ready for the testeu. The bottles are serums and creams. 

First session will be choosing our preferred serum.

Bottle A, B, C, D have different texture, different absorption speed and they all smell differently. You have to choose which you like the most.

Next is voting for the most preferred cream.

Cream 1, 2, 3, and 4. While testing, all of us were guessing the brand and trying to identify the smell of each cream. I got the Cream 2 correct! lol 

After testing and voting for our preferred serum and moisturizer, the mystery revealed. These are the products we've tried. All items are LJH products but of course each product attends to different needs. There is not such thing as the best or the perfect ones because after all, everyone's skin is different. What works on me, doesn't means it will work the same on you vice versa. That's why all reviews or testimonial are for reference purpose, because you will never know until you try it.

I actually quite like the idea behind this voting. Without knowing how the product looks like, what's the name or brand of the product, not knowing what's the claimed effects, it actually minimized the placebo effect and allow us to actually choose the preferred serum and moisturizer base solely on the feeling and texture, the true experience we have with the products. Well, it was a fun experiment and it doubled the fun when you do it with a bunch of beauty lovers/ bloggers.

Thank you Verginese for the venue and courtesy!

Thanks to Juliana from HoneyzCube. A group photo of Ma Cheries Johor Bloggers with her! #MaCherieJB

Thank you kareshi for accompanying me! You must be so bored sitting at the corner. Sorry but still thank you! I was so touched and really appreciate it. You are the best!

Last but not least, thank you HKC Plaza for the awesome products. Can't wait to try the products but I seriously still have quite a bit to finish up before I can open these to test use.

Gonna end this post with my #FOTD. Whole makeup done by #3CE products and miss bow bow eyelid tape from SkinCandy.Co.

I will try to put up the reviews of the products I received as soon as possible but lately quite a few major events happened in my life. I need some time to digest them, lol. But if you are already interest in purchasing LJH items, feel free to contact SkinCandy.Co at 011-12717270 for more details (discounts!!) or head to HoneyzCube.

Thanks for reading. Until next time,

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♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

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