May 14, 2014

Aud- Guides | How to Boost Blog Traffic with Inlinkz

Many of you seems not familiar with how Inlinkz works. It looks complicated but in fact, it is easy.

First of all, what is inlinkz? Inlinkz allows you to linkup blogs in one place. The linkup is an efficient way to connect with your readers and their followers, reach bigger social network audiences, make your blog come alive and increase your traffic.

The LinkUp tool allows other bloggers visually share, their posts right inside your blog, and announce your LinkUp to their followers, exposing your blog to a bigger audience. You can set rules and a theme for your LinkUp, Set start and end dates, and put the InLinkz widget in your post.

Still not quite sure what it is about? Watch the video below to have a clearer picture.

Now that you have a clearer picture, let's go to step-by-step on how to use it.

First go to to sign up. After signup, you will be at the dashboard. Click "Create a new link-up".

Fill in the names and description, leave the unique name blank.

Next, set the start date and end date for the link collection. I normally host it for a week or so.

For free Inlinkz account, link type will be "text-only", if you have an upgraded account, you will have the option for thumbnail links. Since mine is a free account, I will only choose "text-only links", and I prefer to set the numbers of column to 1 as it would be quite messy for text links lining side by side. Choose your preferred display style either name, or with URL links (I normally go for display name only). Set other options according to your liking.

Choose whether you want to be notify by email whenever a link was added and for user to delete their own links. Create a template for the linkup if you wish, I normally leave it as each of my linkup is different. Now save it and you are almost done.

After saving, you will be directed to the script page where you get to copy the linkup code and place it to your blog post. Choose either the old or new widget. You can check the difference between the both >>here<< .

For the others to share your linkup to their blog, you will have to check the "sharing the code with fellow blogger" to enable the sharing code. There are extra options on how you can share the code. I prefer to put a link in my post so that whenever someone reads it and wish to put up my linkup, they can just click the link (refer to the last photo below).

Copy this sharing code and add it below your linkup code. 

After pasting the linkup code and the sharing code, your post will look like this. Don't forget to add your own link to the linkup so that wherever people share it, your post will be shown. See the pink color "Click here to grad the inlinkz code"? Whoever that is interested, can just click that link and they will be redirected to a code script page where they can copy the code to paste to their blog.

That's it! You are now ready to rock the blog parties now! Do check out my "Saturday Stroll with Aud" linkup.

Hope you enjoy the guide.
Thanks for reading. Until next time,

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♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥


  1. the place is so cool!


  2. It is a nice place to explore~~ ^_^

  3. Oh, that's cool. You should come! And we can check out that place together. I've never been there, anyway. I knew about them bcs they were one of the sponsors for our previous event ^^ Yeap, of course I do. A very personal blog.. Hehe.

  4. Anggun Nugroho12 July, 2014 13:48

    nice place, hope can visit it one day

  5. Nice environment and the place looks great!! :-)


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