Aud- Event | Adidas Blogger Cup #1

May 29
Ohai! I bet many of you are excited as I am as the world cup is on its way! To celebrate the world cup, Adidas decided to have a cup of it's own to celebrate together! Lucky for me to be part of the event!

From 29 May - 24 June, there will be 8 questions in total that will be posted on my blog. All you need to do is to Answer the questions by using the provided app and you stand a chance to win some prizes!

To make it even more exciting Adidas will provide promo code to everyone that answer the question correctly, which means everyone that participate will not walk away with empty hands! Whee~

Now the first question! Clue is given in the blog! *Click the photo below

Click on the app and submit your answer now! Good Luck, May the odds be with you!

Of course, don't forget to spread the words~ It's world cup! Everyone should celebrate together!

(p/s: Insert in the "which blog are you entering from" field.)
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Adidas Malaysia Facebook Page:

Thanks for reading. Until next time,
Aud aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup

If you like this post, share the ish out for me, would you? Leave a comment too!

Don't forget to show me some Love~♥


♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥


  1. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup

    Just came to your blog not long and here you have a good news. Congratulation to you and your husband! Cheers and happy always!

  2. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup
  3. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup
  4. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup

    and Wow, your blog is so overwhleming! You travel a lot!! ^_^

  5. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup

    Ah! Travelling is my hobby, or to say trying to utlise my holiday well while studying in the UK. HAHA! After all, I just realised that Europe is not big!

  6. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup

    Yea, travelling is so fun! I love backpacking! Sadly, I have only been to a few asean country. Have yet to explore Europe. Hope to plan for one soon~ ^_^

  7. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup
  8. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup

    Thanks Chloe! Looking forward to our ROM and our Chinese customary wedding!

  9. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup

    Congrats, you are a beautiful couple!! And that ring is amazing :)

  10. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup
  11. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup
    scentednights200230 May, 2014 18:32

    What a romantic story. Congratulations!

  12. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup
  13. aud-event-adidas-blogger-cup

    Thanks dear! I was caught off guard too! Never expect it!


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