Apr 19, 2014

Saturday Stroll with Aud: Silky Feet with Baby Foot

Ohai! Welcome to the Saturday Stroll with Aud! So what is this "Saturday Stroll with Aud" about? Hmm.. It is about sharing one of your top post of the week. Saturday Stroll with Aud will be up live on Saturday (I hope I can make it every week) and it will be open for the whole week. You can find instructions on how to link up at the end of this post. 

♥ My Saturday Stroll - Silky Feet with Baby Foot 
I am always quite proud with my feet that they are quite smooth, not much dead skin. I do not have any special care for my feet except apply lotions and wear socks when I sleep, so I'm thinking it might be because I never force myself to fit into those nice looking killer heels.

I know there's face mask, eye mask even lip mask but never knew there's a thing called foot mask until I read cheesie's post. After reading Cheesie's post on baby foot mask, I decided to get them. I got my cousin from Japan to buy and bring back to me during Chinese New Year but don't really have time to try it until 3 weeks ago.

This is what's inside the box- a pair of foot mask, some adhesive tape, and a small sample packet (I believe it is) to try it out in case you are allergy to it.

I bought size M (bottom) and L (top) But I think M is still quite big for me, and L is definitely too big for Kareshi too! M should fit him nicely and I should get S next time.

I really like that it comes with adhesive tape! Japanese really design things from the aspect of users, that's why I love them so much! I've never store the mask in refrigerator but when I put it on, amazingly it is cooling! From what I know, there are a few types of foot mask that requires different waiting time. The one my cousin got for me is 60 mins, what I read from Cheesie's blog is 30 mins but I guess it works the same.

Although you can still walk with the mask on, but it would be better if you just sit still/ get yourself comfortable and read some books while waiting. Kareshi was using the computer while waiting whereas I was snapping photos and blogging on the bed.

When the time is up, just rinse it and you are done. You will not see any difference on the spot, the effect will take days to show.

4 days later... Finally it's starting to peel. It took so many days until I though it's not working (mum's started to peel the next day, maybe it's because I don't have much dead skin to start with).

Day 7, bottom part peeling off more and the top part started to peel too.

For my case it peels off slowly and really bit by bit, you can never imagine although it seems tiny, but when you pile them up, it manage to turn into this mini hill (many of them were on the floor, can't pick all of them up, lol! It's disgusting I know).

Now, after 10 good days. I hereby welcome my silky feet!

If you are interested in getting one, comment below let me know, I can get my cousin to buy. It's cheaper to get from Japan!

Thanks for reading. Untill next time,

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Saturday Stroll with Aud

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♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥


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