Nov 13, 2013

London Weight Management Trial

It was a lucky draw, and I got myself a free trial at London Weight Management. I was told that I am allow to bring a partner to experience their service. Initially, I wanted to bring Selyn with me, but she is always so busy that she can't spare me 3 hours so I decided to bring mummy along. I was really excited as they guarantee 8-22 cm loss for each treatment! Wow!

That morning, I was all excited about the treatment I'm gonna have later on, plus it's a mother-daughter date! I was really looking forward to it. We reached the bukit Indah branch around 3.40 pm, we were 10 mins late due to heavy traffic.

While waiting for registration, camwhore with mummy. My mummy is damn smart. She hides behind me so that she looks slimmer lo! But in fact, she is slimmer than me. Yerr... where got like that one!

We waited for more than half an hour to be attended but I told myself it's okay, because I am the one being late at the first place. We were asked to filled up some forms. Do take note that they will want you to declare and ensure that you have 3 hours available for the treatment. They did informed me about this from the very beginning.

While waiting for consultation, they brought us for weight and height measurement.
Both mummy and I are short! lol But she is lighter than me! lol walao, can not accept leh~! I must continue my keep fit diet!! Work towards my ideal weight, Jia you!

Waited for another 20 mins, they asked me to go in to a room for consultation.
While waiting for the consultant, I flipped through the testimonials but after 2 testimonials album, I am still alone in the room. I got bored and decided to camwhore a bit. lol Don't waste the chance of using the full body mirror!
camwhore time!
Oh my.. my legs looks loooong!
After 15 mins or so, the consultant is finally here (I was actually sorta unhappy because of all the waiting).
Quickly done all the Q&A, because I just want the treatment to start asap. Mummy wasn't in the same room with me, they say the consultation has to be done individually and they promised she will be just right behind me.

When I came out from the consultation room, I don't see my mum at the waiting area so I thought she was attended.

I proceeded to begin my treatment. I was than asked to strip off and change to disposable paper underwear! Ohh.. so embarrassing.

First step is to enter the steam room for 10- 15 minutes. They said it's for my pores to be opened. After the steam room, I was led to this room.
Here is where they applied sea salt with lavender oil to scrub my whole body but before that, the lady took my measurements first. After srcubs, she covered me with some sort of heating blanket that will make you sweat. This treatment will takes around 25- 30 mins.

After that, I was asked to shower. So quickly took a selfie! lol because I can't possible show you photo of me showering. haha

After shower, I was led to another room. She applied some fat burning oil over my body. While waiting for the oil to dry up, the lady start up the machine. I believe its some sort of electronic wave machine.

There, Me with the device fixed on my arms, waist, tights, and legs. But I can only show you my arm with the device on.

This session took roughly 30 minutes or so. After all the treatments, they weighted and measured me again. I was led to the consultation room again, and there they briefed me the result of before and after.

Adding all the treatments' time, it actually takes around an hour plus. From the very beginning, they told me it will take an hour for consultation, and 2 hours treatment so total will need 3 hours. But now it seems like 30 mins consultation, an hour treatment and 1.5 hours of waiting or more.

When I am done, I found out that my mum has just started her electronic wave treatment which means that she started half an hour later than me. That means she was left waiting inside the consultation room for at least 20 mins- half an hour unattended on top of the time I waited in the consultation room. Hmm.. this is so not right.

When mummy is done with the treatment and briefing, guess what time it was? It was almost 8.30 pm. We reached 3.40 pm, left the place 8.30 pm. The whole Free treatment took me almost 5 hours. Uhh.. ridiculous..

Well, the slightly good news was I lost 1.3 kg after the whole treatment, and mummy lost 1.5 kg which I believe was just water (actually it's the lady told me one).

Overall, I think it was a not-so-pleasant experience. Some of the staffs ain't friendly enough, they speak very fast while giving instructions, if you asked again, they replied with an impatient tone. But I have to say the one that attended to my mum was quite friendly. + points to her. ^_^

My initially plan was to bring mummy to enjoy the treatment, then go for shopping and have a nice dinner after that but my plan screwed up because of the endless waiting time. At the end, we any how tapao dinner home and end our Saturday just like that.

Conclusion? I don't think I will buy their service base on the above experience. Maybe because it is free, hence the waiting and rudeness. But, I seriously feel that if free trail is their method of marketing, at least do it willingly. If not it will only make things worse, agree?

I seriously do not know the standards of service for other branches, what I stated here are solely base on my very recent experience with that particular branch. Kareshi told me not to blog about bad things, but I am not accusing them being bad. I am just sharing what I have encounter during their free trial so that you babes can use it as a guideline or reference.

Have you tried their service? Were they good? I would love to hear from you if you've tried, Share with me..

I need your Love~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

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