Oct 31, 2013

Updates for the Week

First of all, do allow me to apologize.
I am not sure if you realize, I actually will have a new post up for read every Wednesday and Saturday.
But yesterday morning (Wednesday) there's none.

Although I did mentioned that I will be super busy from mid October to early November due to my work but still, let me apologize here for those who actually read my blog and expect for a new post yesterday.

I have tones of things to blog about but I simply don't have enough time to process the photos and draft everything but I promise, soon it will be back to normal (as long as I don't have to cover KL mission anymore!)

Besides being too occupied leaving me with very little time to blog, I am actually happy to be busy with my business (not work of course) that I had just started less than a month ago. So here is some update okay.

I had a giveaway (click here) event about 3 weeks ago to celebrate the opening of my online business. It ended on 23 Oct.

Winner for facebook is: Jeisley Looi!! and the winner for Instagram is: miyukijiali!!
They are currently still waiting for their product to be delivered to them, I can't wait for the shipment to arrive so that I can send them the gifts for them to try!

My batch order for this October had closed, so far the respond is quite encouraging! Thank you, all of you for supporting! Come, show you part of my order list ya? hehehe~

A single order from one costumer! The most loyal one~ ^_^

I consider it as "not bad" as its the first batch order. I sincerely thank you from the deepest of my heart. Your trust and support means so much to me, THANK YOU! And I promise to serve you even better down the road. ^_^

Well, 3CE recently launched several new products again! They are really quite fast in updating their product range.
So here's what's new~

Mini Brush set was launched early of October.

Duo color blusher was released just a week ago.

The very newly launched Back to BB Cream! This is 3CE's first BB cream, if you ever purchase 3CE BB cream before this, you probably got a fake. There's really tons of fake (China products) out there, be careful what you are buying. After all, you gonna apply it on your face!

more makeup brushes. The trio color eyeshadow should be released soon~

and more NEW lipstick color!! This batch of colors are more purplish, fancy any?

And you know what?? The most exciting part is...
I will be carrying more different brands!! Very soon!! Woohoo!! more products within your reach at reasonable price! plus you will be served by a nice leng lui blogger (sorry, self-praise a bit)~ LOL

So if you wanna find out more on products/ promotions and be the first to know what others brands I will be carrying, do like this page to follow all the updates! If you have any inquiries, feel free to drop me an email or contact me via Line or WeChat: skincandyco.

So that's for my business updates. Now, back to the small face quest that I started a month ago. This is another good news (esp girls who want a smaller face)!!

I started using 2B for Face like a month ago, after a week of continuous use, my face really did become a bit smaller! But I was afraid that it's not lasting or won't have more significant result but I'm wrong! My face is now even SMALLER!!!
It's now 9CM! Compare the before, after a week and a month photos yourself!
You may find my review and photos on 2B for Face here.  I just wanna say...

Okay, that's all for today. I actually drafted this post yesterday night, but I fell asleep before I manage to publish it. Lol!
Yes, I am tired.
Now, continue my work battle!

Will do a post on my visit to London Weight Management (free trial) soon.
Yes, soon.


If you would like to know more about...
3CE products: https://www.facebook.com/skincandy.co
2B for Face: http://www.awalkwithaud.com/2013/09/a-smaller-face-2b.html

Subscribe and Follow~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

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