Oct 9, 2013

Love Imotiv

I blog. A small blogger but I hope that one day in the near future I will be someone bigger.

Blogging is so much easier nowadays compare to the past. Now there are apps for you to blog from phone straight away. I use blogger mobile app to blog sometimes.
There are also mobile app for wordpress too.

Here's a peep on My social folder, but the only apps I use are the three on the top row, blogger and sometimes Line. See the second app on the top row?

Its Imotiv (formerly Nuffnangx which I blogged before).
NuffnangX has changed its name to Imotiv but regardless its name,
it is the best invention ever. I really max love it as it makes my blogging life even more easier!
Everything in one touch.

I love the cover photo. Feel the story, feel the love..
(I had a hard time capturing this screen shot as mine will automatically logged in when I launched the app)

First you have to head to app store or Google play market to download Imotiv. Second is to sign up.
Imotiv allows you to sign up via email, facebook or twitter, so choose the one you prefer.

Once logged in, you will actually see the feed wall first.
But as a first time user, you will need to add some blogs to your follow list to have feeds. So, swipe to the left it will brings you here.

Enter the blog name that you are interested, and add it to your blog list. Example: my blog~ awalkwithaud.com
(those had previously followed me on the old blog address, please kindly follow me with this new domain, thank you!)

If you do not know any specific blogs to follow (follow mine!), you can browse by categories
and leave the rest to Imotiv to do the magic for you.

My Imotiv Feed wall. Once you followed some blogs, you will have feeds on your feed wall now.
A letter to my future son is written by Timothy, the founder of Nuffnang (Imotiv app is also by nuffnang).
I cried reading that post of his. Way too touching.

Swipe to the right, you will see your profile, conversation, comments, interactions, blog list, and settings in one place.

Interactions shows you your activities, your comments, likes and sorts.

This is my blog list! yes, I read All the Alphas!
I personally love the conversations feature. It feels like chatting with your favorite blogger or readers! Plus, you can easily track your comments on your blog.

In the past, its difficult to remember which blog post you had commented, which post you received comments, in the end missing out all comments.

But fear not, now whatever comment you leave on other blogs, whoever leaves you a comment, you will now know where to track them.

All history in one neat tidy place. You get to be closer with your favourite blogger or readers now! Its like a instant conversation between bloggers and readers. Because...
If anyone leaves a comment on your post, you will receive immediate notification! And if any of your blog list got updated, you will be notify too! This way you won't missed and be missed. Awesome right?

With Imotiv, I have everything in one. Blogs to read, track records of comments, stay in touch with favourite bloggers, stay connected with readers. Nothing else is better.

Start using Imotiv now if you have not, don't be left behind~

You may check out their official blog post about Imotiv here.

Do leave me a Comment below to share with me what blogs do you read~

If you would like to know more...
App store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/imotiv-feel-stories!-blog/id560458456?mt=8

Google play market: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.netccentric.android&hl=en

Follow me on Imotiv: A Walk With Aud

Previous post on NuffnangX: http://theheaventears.blogspot.com/2012/09/a-dedication-to-nuffnangx.html

Subscribe and Follow~♥

♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

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