Sep 28, 2013

A Smaller Face 2B

Tell me, which girl, lady, woman in this world do not want a small and slim face?


But unfortunately not everyone has it.
That is why some go for botox, some even go all out for jaw bone surgery. I am a coward, I will never have that kind of courage;

botox is expensive, I am not that rich and I do not have sponsors, so I though I Just have to accept the fact that my face is big.

To be honest, I have never tried any face slimming product,
all I do is add on some firming massage gestures while applying daily skin care.

Until one of my BFF- Selyn told me about 2B. I was wondering how come her face looks slimmer and smaller out of sudden, she said she is using 2B for face and the effect is amazing!
So yea, I laid my hands on it.
This is how 2B for face looks like.

One box of 2B for face comes with 2 bottles of essences and 2 cover seals.

Peel off the top seal. It's like cosmetic lens bottle seal. Just peel it off.

Be careful not to spill the essence while peeling the seal off, it would be such a waste! Not that cheap you know~ After that, fix the provided cover seal as shown in the photo.

Because I wanna know precisely how effective 2B is, I measure my face before start using it.

I measure from the ear lobes to the tip of my mouth. Both left and right marks 10.5cm.

 *shock!! OMG!! What a huge face I have!!!

With the statistic, I will be able to compare it later on. It will be more precise because if base barely on photo you might not see the actual effect due to angles and lighting.

Drip 2 drops on your finger tip

It's watery so be careful not to spill them

2 drops to the right. Massage until its fully absorb.

2 drops on the left. I focus on my biting muscle and my laugh lines and of course my sagging apple cheek.
Well, that's basically my whole face. Ha.

And don't forget another 2 drops for the jaw to eliminate double chin.

It doesn't leaves any sticky and oily feel but a clean touch. Apply it at night after shower, and of course after toner but before moisturizer.

So this is my face on the first application. Can see my face is really sagging.
Blame the gravity!

*One Week Later*

Lets see how it looks after a week.

Tadah! My face! After a week, both left and right becomes 10cm! WOW!

No pain, no extra effort nor extra diet my face is SMALLERSMALLER!!!

How amazing is that??
I am in love with 2B now!
Hope after 2-3 weeks, my slightly smaller face will become even smaller~!

If you would like to know more...
Comment Below.

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♥~Live to Dream′Dream to Live~♥

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