Top and bottom are selfies from 12 Aug, day that I had dinner with babes. Top I wore is from Foruchizu.
Note: lashes are real, so I cant tell you where I bought them from.
So how do I celebrate my birthday? Actually, nothing much. Had an early birthday dinner with my babes on the 12th (you may find it here), and the day before actual day, mummy gave me a tiny surprised but I already feel I am so blessed.
I went home after work as usual, she came to my room...
Mummy: “女儿啊,不然我们去外面吃咯~”
(dear daughter, why not we dine outside today~)
Me: "Okay~ where to?"
Mummy: "I will lead."
So Mummy, my youngest bro Aaron and I went out for dinner. When we reached the place, she told the hawker...
Mummy: "Give her a dry rice noodle, its her birthday tomorrow."
I was a lil surprised honestly and touched. She remembers, despite how busy she was; she knows I prefer it dry (they serve in soup too)..
Its a non eye-catching shop which I have never been there. But surprisingly.. their rice noodle is good! I finished the whole thing in like 5 mins? haha~ its so nice plus its mummy's treat with full of love! Surely its nice~ Do you know that its Chinese's practice to have rice noodle on birthday but I don't know why, sorry. Will try to find it out and update later on. And I am sorry for the poor quality photo, it was dark and I only have my phone with me.
Harlo! Its my birthday!
During lunch hour, my cute colleague Rajes gave me a surprise my leaving this on my table. A Sweet treat from her! SHe knows I love oreo ice cream! Thank you!
She even ordered an Oreo Cheese cake from Secret Recipe for me for the office birthday celebration.
(I am allergy to egg, so the only cake I can eat will be eggless cake. According to SR's staff, this cheesecake contains no egg.)
Hello Birthday Girl! (Thank Alicia for these well taken photo. I seldom look nice in full body photo one~ These are really two out of a million!)
Make a wish! I hope that my love ones will be safe from harm, healthy, and happy. That's all I need.
Rajes purposely lighted up all 28 candles.. gave me a hard time to blow them out. Guess you all will just have to eat my saliva and obey me! Hahah
Happy Birthday to Me!
I have a date with Kareshi but he is working so we agreed to meet up at Kranji Mrt station at 8.30pm. So to not waste time, I stayed in the office blogging. Manage to finish composing and scheduled three post. So satisfying!
Anyway, kareshi thinks its time for me to revamp my blog and gave it a new name because he really thinks that the current blog name doesn't sounds positive but kinda blue~ which its kinda true. Haha~ so new name in progress.
I put on my Sky Blue circle lens from Rainbow Colorlens by Cheesie (got it from Sasa) before I left the office to meet my man.
Today marks a special moment so A memorable stamp of the year photo is a must have!hahaha..
I have no idea where kareshi was going to bring me to. I told him I don't want atas (Malay word which means high class) restaurant because I don't feel cozy. So without knowing where he is bringing me to, I ended up here.
Beaulieu House Restaurant located inside Sembawang Park.
We arrived around 9pm+, quickly ordered the food because both of us were starving plus their last order stops at 10.30pm. Food of the night as below!
Both of us had Thai Coconut as drink.
Fish slice with Onion and Ginger. Fish is fresh! The gravy is nice~
Deep Fried Baby Squid. This is good! Crispy, non stop munching it.
Handmade Jade Beancurd
Whole thing in green but this Beancurd is so GOOD!
Stir Fried Asparagus with Onions. Hmm, I never knew I enjoy eating asparagus.
Kareshi complaining (not really complaining) that his coconut is too old as the flesh are hard. I share him mine, he fed me in return. lol
The night Beauliue Restaurant
I assume its their cat.Too good looking to be random stray cat. She (I think its a she) posted and look into my cam for me to take photo. what a model cat.
My Precious love~ When I was taking this photo, he turns back and say: " I knew you gonna take my back again.. >_<"
Night view at Sembawang park
We took a short walk around Sembawang Park before we headed home to rest. Initially Kareshi suggested that we go somewhere else to jalan jalan but I was tired and he has to work early morning next day so we headed home instead.
Before we sleep, he gave me this. This is my second piece of collection. The first one was doves, now red wine glass (made by Kareshi). Kareshi always.. always surprise me. Never fail.
I cried reading it. TOo touching. My heart melts. but I'm also wondering what's inside the package~ lol... hmm.....
Tadah! Its Panasonic 6 in 1 styler! I really don't know how the hell kareshi knows that I have been wanting to buy one curler or styler since I was still in Makeup school. But I was in tough situation just to maintain my course fees that time and I have no spare money to get one. Now, He got me one! I never mentioned a word but he reads me. He really knows... ^_^
Thank you so so much my love! I love love love you so so so so so Muchie~
Overall, my 2013 birthday its simple. No exaggerate parties, no luxury gifts (I don't need these anyway), its just simple meals with love ones. And I am very happy with that. Simple bless which you can't asked for. Thank you 2013 has been good so far, Thanks for being my love ones in my life, and I am sorry if I ever did anything that upsets you, please do forgive me as I never meant it to be that way. You know I love you!
At the end of the post, I just wanna say..
I am so Blessed and Loved.

1. Sembawang park:
2. Beaulieu House:
117 Beaulieu Road
Singapore 759837
(Sembawang Park)
Tel: +65 62579234
Fax: +65 68537638
Operation Time:
Mon – Sat: 11.00am – 2.30pm, 6.00pm – 11.00pm
Sun: 11.00am – 11.00pm (2.30pm – 6pm only serving western)
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♥~Live to Dream ♥ Dream to Live~♥
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