Vivi Malaysia - Dejavu Lasting-fine Eyeliner

You know what?? I just got LUCKY!!!
Yesterday during my lunch time, I was thinking to just check on facebook for abit then have a power nap (seriously lack of sleep recently)~ but when I logon facebook, Vivi Malaysia happened to post an update on the Dejavu Lasting-fine eyeliner Contest which I took part days ago. I honestly wasn't hoping much, because I never won in these contest. So I clicked on the note to checkout who are the 30 lucky peeps.
WAIT! Am I too tired and seeing an illusion or what? I... I actually WON???!
WOW!!! That's surprising enough to get rid all of my sleepy worm I have.
I hereby present you the Winner for Dejavu Lasting-fine eyeliner Contest hosted by Vivi Malaysia

See my name?? See it? see it?? The third one!! Muahaha!
Contacted the PIC (person-in-charge), chose the color I want, provide my mailing address, now what left is to wait for it to arrive to my doorstep! I will definitely post a review on it after I received it. Just wait ya~ ^_^
Although its not some sort of expensive stuff, But still! I am really happy (easy contented? I am just being grateful for whatever that happen). Anyway, Thank you Vivi Malaysia! Thank you all mighty positive universe energy source! Good things are on their way, keep them coming, keep them coming!! (be grateful and appreciate it!)
p/s: After liaise with the PIC, I... continue with my power nap. haha~ tired sia!
Contacted the PIC (person-in-charge), chose the color I want, provide my mailing address, now what left is to wait for it to arrive to my doorstep! I will definitely post a review on it after I received it. Just wait ya~ ^_^
Although its not some sort of expensive stuff, But still! I am really happy (easy contented? I am just being grateful for whatever that happen). Anyway, Thank you Vivi Malaysia! Thank you all mighty positive universe energy source! Good things are on their way, keep them coming, keep them coming!! (be grateful and appreciate it!)
p/s: After liaise with the PIC, I... continue with my power nap. haha~ tired sia!
If you would like to know more...
Vivi Malaysia:
Dejavu Lasting-fine eyeliner:
♥~Live to Dream ♥ Dream to Live~♥
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