Dec 20, 2012

Its Christmas

Yeah!! Its end of December!! means.. its CHRISTMAS TIME!!!! FYI, I LOVE CHRISTMAS!! LOVE IT TO THE MAX!!!!! Nothing beats CHristmas!

Like any other company, The Consulate-General of Singapore has Christmas + year end party too! so.. whenever there's Christmas party.. there's gonna be Christmas tree and... GIFT EXCHANGE!!! woohoo! that's the most exciting part i guess! hhaha...

so one fine day, we decorated out Christmas tree with whatever we have from the past years (not really like it though as its... so plain.) XD

The "White" & "Pale" looking tree...

Added presents below!!

Now, it looks better huh? muahaha

so now, ready for party??!!

Peek-a-boo!! haha! DUN HIDE! lets partieeeeeee!
Prepared for the awesome-fatilicious feast!!

Potato Salad!

TURKEY!!! damn love it!! its really really really nice!!!!!

Okay, Lagsana~~ it really looks.... damn.... fatilicious (comes from the word fat and de-licious, invented by me lol) but I give it a pass... I dont wan my gym effort for the week gone..

The perfect partner: Garlic bread + Mushroom soup~

and of coz, it ain't Christmas without a LOG CAKE!! LOL

Okay, this isn't the ordinary dish you see in Christmas menu, but my boss loves it! and I love it too! hahaha~~ its Pisang Goreng and Keropok Leko (for foreign readers, Pisang Goreng is Fried Bananas, and as for Keropok Leko, its made of fish meat and flour)

I think this isn't in the typical menu too huh? but... boss got it for me... because... I NEVER TASTED IT before.. yeah, you heard me.. FML

Ahh.... But Before stuffing our mouth and stomach with bunch and bunch of food... My Attaché announce that there's a small cert presentation as we were given new designation and office thought of making it official.. (Doesn't he knows that, we freaking care only about the food now?)

Thats me.. haha~ Senior Research Executive

Alicia - Senior Consular Executive

Rajesh- Senior Finance Executive

Nisha- Customer Service Executive

Din- Asst Consular Executive

Mr Goh- Chauffeur

our very new colleague, Jaya- Operation Assistant

Hadrian- the country officer that attached to our mission for a month training...

This is how it looks like~~ ^o^

LET the EATING begin NOW!

Hahah~ turkey turkey~~

My share.. I know... Im allergy to it.. but still... I cant resist it... T_T

Ohh~~~ sexy lady in the house~~~ haha! ^_^

Okay, okay... the most exciting part now!! GIFT EXCHANGE!!!!
This is my present for the exchange~~

This is what I got from Joey~~
but in the end...
Din change it with me~ coz he can't stand... Pink?? hahaha
Its my Melody Passport cover and luggage tag!! How can he NOT LOVE IT!!! LOL
well, i exchange it with huge Joker (the bad guy from batman) smile on my face~~ haha!

cant rmb who got this~ but Look carefully... there are smokes coming out from the back!! lol
it was created by dry ice soaking into water... hehehe

So, after all the food, and gifts.. what else now? YOU DON'T EVEN NEED TO ASKED! of course its CAMWHORING!haha

All photos I didnt have the time to edit lo.. so.. its all nofilter photos ya~ but i had a bad skin day that dat.. shitty pimples! but.. that means im still young huh? hahah

What add on the love for that day is this!!

Alicia dropped us a big bomb middle of the feast~~ we all "died" being bomb~ but a happy one!
because Its a nicely done bomb! heheh~ its cute isnt it???

okay, time to wrap up this photos post..with....

The man of the day! my Vice-Consul Mr Joey Matthias Lim!! haha~ acting cool~~ =p

Oh wait!! I almost forgot!!
The food that day was catered by Niniq Bistro- An unique Australian-styled coffee bar, offering cakes..

I love their pastries! and the food were awesome!

They are located at 2 places. One in taman pelangi, one at Setia tropika.

Niniq Bistro Sdn. Bhd.
65, Jalan Perang
Taman Pelangi
Johor Bahru 80400
Tel : 07-333 4800
Fax : 07-333 5800
Email :

52, Jalan Setia Tropika 1/24
Taman Setia Tropika
Johor Bahru 81200
Tel : 07-237 4800
Fax : 07-236 6800
Email :

Their Operating Hours starts from: 11am - 10pm (Monday - Saturday)

Head to any of the branch to try it yourself! you won't regret!! and Don't forget to checkout their Facebook Fan Page! Its Christmas time, so check out their Noel Package too!!
Noel Package includes:
Tender Juicy Roasted Turkey comes with Roast Potatoes, Garden Salad, Gravy & Cranberry Sauce
1 x Pasta
1 x Salad
1 x Soup
1 x Log cake
** Complimentary bottle of Sparkling Fruit Juice & Gift Voucher !
(serves approx 12-15pax)

Only @ RM498.00

Christmas Turkey individual selling price @ RM245/bird!

Made your reservation now!!