Sep 11, 2012

Vietnam, Hanoi Day 1

As what my earlier short post said, I was on a holiday trip! you can see it here.
I am back now, so here is a detail but not so detail travel schedule post! It's gonna be a long one,
Embrace to high volume of photos~~

Woke up early morning at 5am to be prepared for departure as the driver will come and pick us up at 6.30am to Singapore TigerAirways budget terminal. My flight is 10:25am, I hv to depart earlier as it is working day, and Singapore's morning traffic is damn scary!

So, as expected, here we are jammed on the causeway for like almost 2 hours! it's almost 8.10am, and we have not cleared the custom, honestly I'm worried that we won't be able to make it in time! Luckily, we manage to reached the airport with very lil time left. so we quickly queue to check-in, and tadah! we are ready to go! but! guess what, my very 1st "flight delayed"! it delayed almost an hour~ >_< Maybe because its raining like cats and dogs. Finally when the "tears from heaven" turns small, we are allowed to on board. Yeah!

At last, we are above Singapore! bye bye SG, see you when I get back

Whoops! the boats looks like miniature!

Oh my! I'm such a good photographer~ * shameless me smacking gold on my own face

I went dead after these shots, was asleep the whole journey in the air because I took the motion sick pill before the plane took off! yea, I need that, if not I will be busy cleaning my own vomit stuff.

After 3.5 hours, say Hello, Hanoi!

Nice graffiti wall made by square mosaic, creative isn't it?

After another 45mins drive, we finally reached our hotel - Church Boutique

My room

Nice right?
You may visit their website here to find out more.

We were suppose to reach here around lunch time, but due to stupid flight delayed, when we are all set, its already almost 4pm. YES, my stomach is having a PROTEST RALLY! Give me some FREAKING FOOD! it says. We walk around the hotel to find FOOD!
Heard that this french toast is super delicious! but too bad, I'm allergy to yeast, can't taste it.

Took this pic when we were waiting for our noodles to be served in duno what restaurant. Can't be bother about the name anymore as we are really freaking hungry. The uncle is damn funny, he saw me taking his pic when driving pass, and purposely slow down for me to take his photo. Cute sia!

After feeding my warriors, no more protest rally, its all in peace now. So we decided to walk around. Its really common to see people sitting on tiny lil chairs and eat at the roadside.

When we walk further up, we found a lake!

At first, we though that its just a normal lake, so we follow the crowd.
The entrance of Lake

The good & The Bad

Realize something? yea, its Chinese characters. Before Vietnam uses the official words as now, they used Chinese characters. Vietnam culture is widely affected by The Chinese. Lots of the tradition are more or less the same as Chinese.

The bridge

Only when I saw the small tower in the middle of the lake only I realize that this is the Hoan Kiem Lake. What is Hoan Kiem Lake? read this.

More photos! bear with me! >_<

Building in Hanoi are all very "slim & tall". Its really really very narrow inside.

Honestly, I wasn't suppose to eat this, but the weather is so damn hot until I can't take it anymore, so Yeah~ Ice-cream~!!

I saw this when I walked by one of the shop and secretly took this! lovely isn't it? ^_^

while we were walking around randomly, I think we got ourself into the "Art street". Hanoi has their street allocated nicely, there are shoe street, herbs street, clothes street and many many more!
This are the 2 pieces that catch my eye

AhHh! and I saw this! it was the lunar 15 the day I arrive Hanoi, and I saw people burning things and have some kind of prayers with this! its a lil different from what we Chinese did in Malaysia, but Vietnamese do pray during lunar July which is the Ghost festival.. *shivering @_@
p/s: I got scolded by for taking this photo

Wanted to buy some coffee powder back for boss and colleagues.. but its too DAMN EXPENSIVE!!
sorry boss~ sorry dears~~ >_< *screw you expensive coffee powder

I KNOW! you guys are tired reading this post, but I promise! only a lil left for the 1st day.. so please~~ please hang on a lil longer~
After a very long walk, I'm really tired. I can't hold on any longer and we should really head out to find Daniel Hoyer's restaurant as he or his wife Lai will be the one who help us to arrange the trip to Halong Bay for the next day. After quite a search, I'm finally found it!
This is Daniel talking to Kent

View from the second floor. We had some small dishes to fill out stomach, and arrange the schedule for the 2nd day to Halong bay with Lai. After its done, we head back to our hotel to shower and REST!!

Random street shots~~

Oh ya! Hanoi is one hour later than Malaysia.When I lay myself on the bed only I realize I cant sleep because its still early, Hanoi time 10pm. So I decided to wander around the hotel in the night! and here is where I ended up. A roadside stall selling French toast, but I can only sit a side and WATCH them eat!

How can a roadside supper goes without beer? heh heh~~ I proudly present you~~ Hanoi Beer!
and that's all for the 1st day! I know it must be hard for you peeps, thank you for hanging on to the last! (only if there's is one) *smash my head

Good night all! see ya again soon~