Aug 5, 2012

Wasatiyyah & 1Malaysia

Before I start, this seminar was take place on the 19th July 2012..
I was instructed to attend the Seminar of Wasatiyyah & 1Malaysia concept held at Pusat Islam Johor.
The ''Wasatiyyah and 1Malaysia'' Seminar will tour 14 states to explain the two concepts to the people. Two prominent speakers have been lined-up for the seminar organised by the Prime Minister''s Department. Minister in the Prime Minister''s Department, Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharum will speak on ''Wasatiyyah'' or moderation concept while Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister''s Department, Datuk Ahmad Maslan on the 1Malaysia concept.

Kedah was the first state to organise the seminar and Johor is the last.
and so, here they are.
Their dress code for the day is Batik, so I wore a baju Kebaya to attend.
Camwhore-ing in the car

I know ppl will sure think that I am Malay..
I have this issue since I was like.. a baby?!!!
One day,
The postman happened to saw my mum playing with me lying inside the cradle when I was a baby..

Postman: eh, you tolong jaga anak Melayu ke?
(you do childcare for Malay kid?)

Mummy: tak, ni anak saya.
(no, this is my daughter.)

Postman: Oh, you punya husband Melayu ke?
(oh, you husband is a Malay?)

Mummy: taklah, husband I Chinese.
(No, my husband is a Chinese.)

Postman: oo.. anak angkat..
(I see, its you adopted child..)

Mummy: ni anak saya, husband Chinese, anak ni pun Chinese!
(This is my daughter, my husband is a Chinese, so is my daughter!)
*saying it with an angry face! >_<

What's wrong with that postman!!!! lol

Every time when my mum talk about this, I cant stop laughing.. because her face looks so funny and cute..
okay, i know im a lil off topic, so Okay, back to the topic.

So the seminar begins, here comes the first speaker of the day.
The Malay lady on my right, has make herself comfortable, adjust herself into the right position. When the seminar starts, she cover herself with her shawl and SLEEP! lol
I tired hard to hang on (honestly, wanna just close my eyes and sleep!)

I somehow manage to keep my eyes wide open until the one third of the session, thanks to the second speaker who is funny. but towards the end of his speech, I think someone accidentally press the fast forward button because he suddenly speaks so fast that I can't get him and I slowly fall asleep. lol
but it wasn't too bad as the seminar is ending. 

Look at my tired face, poor Audrey.

Finally, here comes the Menteri Besar of Johor to held the closing ceremony.
I am so excited, because I can finally go back!!

Although its tiring, but at least I now know more about wasatiyyah and 1Malaysia concept.

By the way, this is the first time I heard of 1Malaysia's song, surprisingly..
it it nice! it makes me feel patriotic~!! lol
(my Malay colleague almost fainted when i told him, this was actually my 1st time to know about this song)

Here is the song, Enjoy!
The original version

This is the National Day 2011 version

The 1Malaysia theme song is The Malaysia Book of Records holder for the 'First Malaysian Patriotic Song to Have Highest Hits on YouTube'.

1Malaysia was composed and produced by the Limkokwing Sound and Music Design Academy. 

This upbeat song was among the six compositions selected by the Information, Communications and Culture Ministry in a nationwide competition which received 341 entries in total.

*I do not own any copyrights of the above videos.
