Dream Chapter
Time flies without mercy.

It's been almost 11 months since I left my previous job (Public Bank Berhad).

It's been almost 11 months since I left my previous job (Public Bank Berhad).

Why did I left the company in the first place? Did I left for another company or a better salary?
No, I did it to pursue my dream. A dream I had ever since I was a kid.
I actually had a chance to fulfill it few years back when I was 22/23 years old, but I didn't go for it, just because I didn't want to graduate separately with my mates. (What a lame reason right?) You won't know how much I regretted, but life goes on.
After graduation, I started my working life right away. I was with public bank for almost 3 years and one day, I decided I had enough. There were fire sparks burning inside me. The dream I've buried deep down was lighten up!

It was burning so strong that I know have do it right away! So I told my mum that I wish to continue my studies in Japan. I want to fulfill my dream. She, who always supports me gave me a green light. Despite there's so much paperwork and applications to be done, I find no trouble in doing it. I was in a high spirit all the time. I guess that's how you feel when you are one step away from your dream.
After 5 months of waiting, guess what? I got it! I finally got the entry ticket to my dreamland! I cried when I was reading the approval letter. My hands trembled over joy.
I was so excited and overwhelmed about it. It was a totally "me time" where I see no one but myself. I got the last stage of preparation done without realizing something big is on it's way. All I could think of is seeing myself in that wonderful country.

But sometimes, things just doesn't go your way. Or maybe I wasn't ready for this. 11 March 2011, A massive earthquake strikes Japan, followed by a scary Tsunami. On top of that, a critical radioactive crisis destroyed the very beautiful land I longed for.
These... didn't just destroyed the country, it also took away all my hope and dream.
People around me started to tell me what to do, pointing fingers at me telling me that I should cancel my plan but I listen to none. I insisted to continue my plan. So, everything stays the same, I waited for my boarding day.

Just a week before my boarding, the one who supported me and gave me all her blessing finally decided not to stay put anymore. She finally voiced out her thoughts. We both cried. We hugged each other for a long time trying to find some closure. I know she felt terribly guilty for she is the one who gave me hope and yet she is the reason I chose to end the dream.

Although it breaks my heart to end a dream I've been working for, but it breaks me more to see my one and only mother to be worried all the time. So, that's it. The end of my dream.
It's been 11 months now, so what have I done? Well, I know that the end of a dream is not the end of the world, the world continues despite how sad you are. So why not get your feet on and move on? Learning something of interest is a good start. So I took up a diploma professional makeup course. Now, I am a professional makeup artist.

Life is all about ups and downs. It has a lot of challenges down the road, it is full of uncertainties and doubts. It is our duty to overcome them one by one. Life goes on. Time never stops. So, my journey continues...